Eduinfo Media <p>Eduinfo Media adalah jurnal ilmiah yang menerbitkan artikel dengan bidang kajian pendidikan. Jurnal ini menerima artikel baik dari hasil penelitian maupun studi literatur. Ruang lingkup Eduinfo Media adalah seluruh bidang pendidikan, baik bidang spesifik ilmu tertentu maupun pembahasan terkait pengembangan kajian pendidikan. Jurnal ini adalah jurnal enam bulanan atau terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun.</p> UrbanGreen en-US Eduinfo Media 2723-7710 Quality of Ideas or Language First? Novice EFL Writers’ Standpoint <p>This study aims to explore the novice EFL writers’ perspectives on the importance of ideas and language in writing scientific papers and which ones they think should take precedence for the efficiency of the writing process. It was a case study in which three students and an academic writing lecturer were involved as research participants. By using interview guidelines, it was identified that students realized the importance of integrating good ideas and using the correct language in developing scientific writing. Between these two important aspects, novice EFL writers tend to prioritize ideas to direct their writing process rather than the quality of language, so this results in difficulty understanding the ideas they write due to the inappropriate language use. Thus, novice EFL writers need to be equipped with writing practices so that their ideas are able to carry important meaning used as a scientific study material.</p> Miftah Al Farhan Copyright (c) 2022 Eduinfo Media 2023-02-04 2023-02-04 2 2 1 5 10.55756/eim.v2i2.124 Improve Poetry Writing Skills With Learning Methods Outdoor Study at SMPN 2 Barambai, Barito Kuala District <p>This classroom action research is motivated by the low value of writing poetry in Indonesian. Especially in the aspect of diction, the aspect of imagery, the aspect of concrete words, and figurative language. This study aims to analyze students' ability to write poetry using learning methods outside the classroom in the Indonesian language subject. This type of research is quantitative with learning methods outside the classroom, with data collection techniques. This research was conducted in March 2022, taking place in class VIII of SMPN 2 Barambai, Barambai District, Barito Kuala Regency. The type in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) with two cycles consisting of two meetings. Each cycle consists of planning, implementing, observing, and also reflecting. This study experienced an increase from cycle I by obtaining an average score of 12.5 or a percentage of 62.6%, to cycle II obtaining an average score of 16.71 or equal to 83.57%.</p> Akhmad Syakir Syakir Muhammad Fikri Ashidiqi Copyright (c) 2022 Eduinfo Media 2023-02-22 2023-02-22 2 2 6 17 10.55756/eim.v2i2.126