Author Guidelines
Title Written Arial 12 Bold Spacing 1 Center Align in English with Word Beginning in Capital Letters except Conjunctions and Latin Names that Follow Special Writing Rules (eg Imperata cylindrica L.) – Before “Auto” and After “0 pt”
Author (If you have 3 syllables, you can shorten your middle name) Arial 8 Bold alignment right*
Study Program (complementary), Faculty, University (if non-academic, write institution/organization)
*corresponding author: (use institutional email if available or active email, doesn't have to be the first author)
Abstract in English consists of 150 words with only 1 paragraph. Arial font 11 alignment right with 1 space. The content of the abstract in general is the initial idea of the research or introduction, objectives, research methods, research results in general, and conclusions from the research. Content can be explained implicitly without having to write down the title of the content. Research ideas are not allowed to contain citations but can include results from the essence of the citations used. Methods can be written generically but still contain the main content of the method. Data analysis can be included or not. Results can be displayed in the form of numbers or writing. The conclusion is a general or main description of the conclusions contained in the contents of the article. Conclusions in the abstract are not allowed to use or contain numbers from research results. Except, in the form of a concluding value which is the answer to the research objective. References do not need to be listed. Latin names and other things that are special, are written according to the basic rules of writing.
English, Minimum 3, maximum 5 keywords, arial 10, can be a phrase, for example "green open space"
The left, top, right and bottom margins are equalized to 2. The minimum number of pages is 4 pages and a maximum of 7 pages. The beginning of the paragraph is indented by 1cm with a space of 1. The introduction or introduction contains ideas or problems that arise along with references related to using quotations. It can contain a collection of quotations as well as the extracts from the quotations, all of which raise problems and objectives of conducting research so that new ideas emerge to be studied and discussed. Writing citations or citations uses Harvard style rules using reference management applications (Nowak, et al., 2006).
This section may contain data, tables and or graphs from previous studies which can strengthen ideas and images resulting from citations. The citation used is 10 years back for the journal. Except in the form of basic theory and basic science books. When using data from certain institutions, the latest data is required.
This section contains research location information as long as it does not violate the code of ethics for research location information. The method is explained per research procedure which is written in the sub-chapter under the method.
Each method implemented can also be described one by one as sub-chapters in general. Can be described in full but does not need to be in detail. Can contain a flowchart which can be a brief description of the procedure. Methods can contain tables.The number of procedures can be added according to each study. Can also be added the results of data analysis techniques both in general and in detail.
Results and discussion are combined into one chapter. Display results can be in the form of tables, pictures or graphs. The discussion is the result of an analysis between the results of the research and the theory related to the research. Then discussed based on the results of the analysis (see template file).
Images are displayed as needed. If it is a detailed image, display it in full with the width fit to page. Can also combine multiple images into a collection of images. Image layout using in-line-with-text. Before=auto, after=0pt. position or alignment of the image using center. The examples in the pictures are just general examples. The bias image is only one. But pinned the ends on the left and right margins. (see template file)
Graphics use the same rules as images. There is no difference until the title of the graph must also be written "Figure" because it is also part of the image. It's just that the contents of the graph are different because they present data.
In general, the discussion of research results is the freedom of the author to write down both the research results and the analysis of these results so that they become a discussion and lead to conclusions based on the assumptions obtained.
The conclusion is a short answer to the problem discussed by the published article. It should only consist of one paragraph and not re-explain the results in the discussion.
acknowledge can be added if needed. Not including mandatory content in the article. If it doesn't exist, it can be deleted. Contains awards for those who are considered to have contributed to the implementation of research and various other assistance.
Use the Harvard style, it is recommended to use a reference application such as Mendeley, Zotero, OneNote, built-in Microsoft Word, or a similar reference application. Given a 1 cm gap for the second line, and 1 space both before and after.