Study of Pedestrian Performance Based on Community Perceptions on Siliwangi Street, Kuningan Regency
In planning and designing pedestrians, it is necessary to pay attention to complementary elements that can make pedestrian users able to walk comfortably. In addition, Jalan Siliwangi in Kuningan Regency is also a road to the city center so that this road becomes a transit route for public transportation users. So, the pedestrian path on Jalan Siliwangi is expected to have a good level of service and needs proper pedestrian paths. The purpose of this study was to identify the performance of pedestrian paths based on public perceptions on Jalan Siliwangi, Kuningan Regency. In general, this study uses a comparative descriptive analysis method approach. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the performance of the pedestrian path on Jalan Siliwangi, Kuningan Regency, is quite good, especially in terms of indicators of the level of pedestrian service and the volume of traffic passing pedestrians on Jalan Siliwangi. However, there are several indicators that need to be improved, such as the condition of the pedestrian space and the speed level of pedestrians passing through the pedestrians on Jalan Siliwangi.
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(Sustainable Development, Environmental Science, Urban Planning, and Landscape)

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