Low-Cost Apartment Design Alternative as an Improvement in Built Environment Neighborhood of Dirgahayu Village
Slum settlements are one of the problems faced by every urban area. The high price of land and houses is a challenge in developing decent settlements for Low Income Communities (MBR). Therefore, the construction of Low-cost apartment buildings is one of the solutions that is often offered in order to improve the quality of slum settlements. The Provincial Government of South Kalimantan is committed to develop low-cost apartment to improve the quality of slum settlements in the village of Dirgahayu, Kotabaru District. This study aims to formulate alternative low-cost apartment designs in Dirgahayu village, especially RT 17, 21 and 22. The methods used are mixed-method and synthesis to formulate designs according to the potential results and problems encountered in the built-environment neighborhood. The results showed that the flat tower typology chosen to be developed was type 36, 4 floors with 11 towers to accommodate around 667 families in the three RTs. The theme being developed is the Low-Cost Apartment area of Dirgahayu village as part of the City Center Residential Area which is Livable and Healthy and can accommodate the activities of local people who are dominated by fishermen.
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